Friday, October 1, 2010

Two new obsessions! & a Rant

My first obsession: Ahh, Myspace. You either hate it, or love it. I for one, used to hate it... But, now recently I find myself checking it every single day and I love it! I totally have a problem with my Layout though. I seem to change it every five minutes, because I'll find a new one I love! Currently, I have a Hollister layout.. Which is soo cute! I'm looking for an All time Low one, I found a couple but it's just not one I like enough. I need to find a way to make my own, that would be pretty awesome. I will post the link to my Myspace down once I'm done covering everything I need to talk about.
My second Obsession: BLOGGER! I'm happy now that I actually found a new obsession. I usually spend hours on the compter, just like stalking my Facebook page... Haha. But, now I actually have something to do with my time. It's to blog! I love blogging, it's really fun actually when you take the time to actually figure out what to write!

Guess what? I recently found out that Alex Gaskarth from All time Low (Obviously, the lead singer FYI) Made a facebook. Yes, it's his official one, to become closer to fans. I was talking to him last night, and he's the sweetest guy ever. He actually called me 'Sweetie'. I'm SO excited, later I will take pictures and post it to a new blog to show you all. :)
I even told him I was nervous talking to him, and he said I shouldn't be. Plus, he's incredibly funny... like extremely funny.

Here's the link to my Myspace page. Feel free to add me! :)

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