Friday, October 1, 2010

Charlie Puth!

I'm gonna talk about one of my favorite Youtubers EVER! Many of you already known Shane Dawson, iJustine, Fred, Smosh, and others.
But, little do most of you guys know someone named Charlie Puth.
He recently became a Youtube Partner.
He was in Smosh's/LisaNova/ShayCarl's Who's Next? Contest.
He was SO close to winning, but sadly he lost. But, being in that contest got him to be a Youtube Partner!
Now Charlie, there's tons of amazing things about him,.
He's a GREAT GREAT GREAT singer. He uses Auto Tune in most of his videos, but he sounds even BETTER without it. He also agrees that he sounds better without it.
He's cute, Haha. That really isn't something to say about his talents and what not... But, come on. I'm stating a fact!
My favorite song by him is called 'I wrote this song last night' Haha, cute song title right? (:
Well, here's a picture of him. :)

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