Wednesday, October 6, 2010

at school

so, i decided i haven't made a blog in a while...
so i was online at school, trying to figure out what sites weren't blocked
and this one wasn't.
so i'm in 4th period comptuer appliances class...
and yeah. it's boring. finished my power point with nothing to do..
but blog!
so yeah, bye i'll update more this weekend.
cause i'm going to six flags this weekend for fright fest! (((:

Friday, October 1, 2010

Charlie Puth!

I'm gonna talk about one of my favorite Youtubers EVER! Many of you already known Shane Dawson, iJustine, Fred, Smosh, and others.
But, little do most of you guys know someone named Charlie Puth.
He recently became a Youtube Partner.
He was in Smosh's/LisaNova/ShayCarl's Who's Next? Contest.
He was SO close to winning, but sadly he lost. But, being in that contest got him to be a Youtube Partner!
Now Charlie, there's tons of amazing things about him,.
He's a GREAT GREAT GREAT singer. He uses Auto Tune in most of his videos, but he sounds even BETTER without it. He also agrees that he sounds better without it.
He's cute, Haha. That really isn't something to say about his talents and what not... But, come on. I'm stating a fact!
My favorite song by him is called 'I wrote this song last night' Haha, cute song title right? (:
Well, here's a picture of him. :)

A band that needs more fans!

Do you like Punkcore or Screamo music?
Well, I of course do and I found this band... They're REALLY amazing. Even if you don't like this type of music, and you know someone who does tell them about this band. Of course, I'm not sponsored by them or anything like that! I just think that this band needs way more fans then they have right now. Wanna know their name?
Beautiful Day Dying
The members are Parker Grey Deal and James Patrick Falck.
They're based out of Norfolk, Virgina and and Essex, England.
The band is currently based in Belgium, while finishing their final years of Highschool.
To read more about them, visit their Myspace page at:

My favorite song by them is called 'I've been left deaf still'

Anyways, I wrote all of this myself and I think you all should check them out. Once again, I don't know the members personally... This is just my opinion that I think they should have a lot more fans! :)

In the plaid, that's Parker Deal Vocals/Drum/Guitar
And in the purple there's James Falck Guitar/Vocals.

Two new obsessions! & a Rant

My first obsession: Ahh, Myspace. You either hate it, or love it. I for one, used to hate it... But, now recently I find myself checking it every single day and I love it! I totally have a problem with my Layout though. I seem to change it every five minutes, because I'll find a new one I love! Currently, I have a Hollister layout.. Which is soo cute! I'm looking for an All time Low one, I found a couple but it's just not one I like enough. I need to find a way to make my own, that would be pretty awesome. I will post the link to my Myspace down once I'm done covering everything I need to talk about.
My second Obsession: BLOGGER! I'm happy now that I actually found a new obsession. I usually spend hours on the compter, just like stalking my Facebook page... Haha. But, now I actually have something to do with my time. It's to blog! I love blogging, it's really fun actually when you take the time to actually figure out what to write!

Guess what? I recently found out that Alex Gaskarth from All time Low (Obviously, the lead singer FYI) Made a facebook. Yes, it's his official one, to become closer to fans. I was talking to him last night, and he's the sweetest guy ever. He actually called me 'Sweetie'. I'm SO excited, later I will take pictures and post it to a new blog to show you all. :)
I even told him I was nervous talking to him, and he said I shouldn't be. Plus, he's incredibly funny... like extremely funny.

Here's the link to my Myspace page. Feel free to add me! :)